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Website 2011
In view of its 5th anniversary, Wikimedia CH is currently redesigning its website. Please share your opinion on elements of the new visual identity here:

Projects 2012
Our official projects for 2012

Downtime issues26.November 2020

In the previous days there were downtime issues related to this wiki. Now our service provider fixed the connectivity issues and everything is up and running again.

This and future incidents will be tracked in Infrastructure/Incidents. Thanks for your collaboration.

Follow us on twitter and like us on facebook21.November 2014

Dear all, if you're interested in our activities and projects, please follow us on twitter and like us on Facebook as well as on our calendar on meta We post all our news there and don't update this section separately anymore. Thanks for your understanding. Best wishes from the WMCH team!

Check out the New WMCH Brochure in german25.Februar 2014

Have a look at our new WMCH Brochure - which quickly explains WMCH's activities and projects. You can easily print them at home or ask us and we'll print them for you at the office. File:WMCH brochure in german.pdf

Scholarships to attend Wikimania 2014 in London: Apply now!6.Februar 2014

WMCH is happy to grant 10 scholarships for people who want to attend Wikimania in London. The scholarships cover costs for the flight, accommodation and the entry fee for Wikimania. Get more information here:

Wikimedia CH on persoenlich.com28.Januar 2014

Today, WMCH is on the front page of Have fun while reading the interview with our president Patrick Kenel.

General Assembly20.Januar 2014

We invite you to participate in the General Assembly on March 23, 2014, in the Youth Hostel in Zurich. We're very much looking forward to see you there. In the meantime you can consult the following page for further information: (work in progress).

Visit of a WMF staff delegation4 December 2013

Anasuya Sengupta, Frank Schulenburg and Katy Love have spent three days in Switzerland. They were excited to meet Wikimedians in Lausanne and Zurich and made a stop-over at the herbarium in Neuchâtel. See here for more details: WMF visit 2013.

Congratulations to the Project Edelweiss-Auszeichnung25 November 2013

During WikiCon in Karlsruhe, there have been awarded "motivation-projects" on the German-speaking Wikipedia, which aim to improve the climate on Wikipedia and show appreciation for the work of Wikipedians. We're very proud and would like to congratulate the whole team of the Swiss "Project Edelweiss" for their 2nd rank. If you want to know more about the Edelweiss-Award, you can read about it on the German-speaking Wikipedia: Edelweiss-Auszeichnung.

Scholarships for WikiCon, November 21-24, 2013, in Karlsruhe19 November 2013

To all Wikimedians out there: Wikimedia CH is granting scholarships to attend WikiCon next Weekend. You can apply at Make sure to not miss WikiCon in Karlsruhe this year!

We are looking for a Project Leader in the National Library17 October 2013

We have great News to announce today: The Swiss National Library and Wikimedia CH are looking for a German-speaking Project Leader to establish a strong and sustainable relationship between the Wikipedia Community and the National Library. To get more information, please see the Job Advertisement on our WMCH website or on the Website of the Swiss Confederation. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on

Wikimedia CH Give-Aways30 August 2013

We would like to inform you that WMCH now has its own stock of WMCH-pens which can be used as give-aways during workshops or events. Please let us know if you organize a workshop or an event and would like to take a few of these pens with you to share.

Thank you. You are extraordinary.11 August 2013

Sue Gardner gave her (presumably) last speech at a Wikimania today - and she thanked everybody that is contributing to Wikip/media. So we would like to hand over that "thank you" to all of you.

Livestream directly from Wikimania10 August 2013

For everybody that is interested in sneaking in to a Wikimania session:

Opening Speech of Jimmy Wales at Wikimania in Hong Kong9 August 2013

According to Jimmy Wales, it's important to sometimes take a minute and focus again on our common goal: Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. And look where we came so far: Wikipedia now has

  • 28 million articles , 286 editions
  • 120 languages with at least 1'000 articles
  • 46 languages with at least 10'000 articles
  • 8 languages with at least 1'000'000 articles
Wikimania Extrablatt7 August – 11 August 2013

For all the German-speaking Wikim/pedians: Check out the Wikimania Extrablatt of the Kurier during the following days. For sure there will be some interesting News directly from Hong Kong.

Wikimania Countdown7 August – 11 August 2013

We keep you posted on interesting News and happenings during Wikimania - which starts on Wednesday, July 7th. Please also see our Tweets for quick News.

Make.opendata: Open Data Camp in Switzerland30 September – 1 October 2011

The first Open Data Camp in Switzerland brings together thinker and creator to collectively make change happen.

Wikimedia CH supports this event -

swissGLAMour, Valdensia, notable Vaudoise persons13 May 2011

The Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire (BCU) - Lausanne and Wikimedia CH joined their competencies in the project Valdensia. The goal is to import 800 biographies of notable people in the Swiss canton of Vaud into Wikipedia, increasing their visibility and allowing anyone to correct and improve them. The project is planned to finish in November 2011. Read on ... .

swissGLAMour and Wiki Loves Monuments 2011, Switzerland24 April 2011

swissGLAMour is a Wikimedia CH program which targets a better coverage of Swiss cultural heritage in Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, like Wikimedia Commons. Part of it is also, in a medium/long term, a better cooperation between GLAMs (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) and Wikimedia. In short term, and most exciting, watch the Wiki Loves Monuments Space, where WMCH will participate.

Progresses for Wikimedia in Mali29 December 2010

With 1-2% of its budget, Wikimedia CH is supporting to build up communities in Africa. The first attempt is in Bamako, Mali.

A dictionary Songhai - French is being created which contains around 3000 words by now. And a Map of Bamako replaced now the formerly empty spot on Openstreetmap. However many street names and points of interest are still missing.

Many thanks to Renaud Gaudin and Collegues from Kunnafoni, and Christian Wagner from Openstreetmap to support this.

At the start of a three-year project1 December 2010

Beside the on-going fundraising, our association is momentarily involved with the beginning of the international TAO project. On 26 October, the project dealing with involvement of elderly people to online communities has been kicked-off. An official project website is soon going to inform about it in detail. Wolf Ludwig, TAO project lead for Wikimedia CH since April, participated in the intense project preparations. Our partner Seniorweb together with the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Coop and Swisscom organized an information stand at the Coop-Center Wankdorf in Bern, where Wikipedians will explain how (not only) people over the age of 50 can get familiar with the Internet and the editing process on Wikipedia from the beginning of next year. Board member Charles Andrès is, for his part, staging Wikipedia courses at several universities for Third Age people in Romandie. More infos will soon be available on the TAO website.

In order to reach a broad involvement of the Swiss Wikipedia Community in the TAO project, we ask our members to fill out a poll - and hope for a high degree of participation!

Interview with President Mourad Ben Abdallah21 October 2010

Seniorweb, one of our partner organizations in the TAO project, has recently posted an interview with Mourad Ben Abdallah, President of Wikimedia CH. He answered questions about the autonomy of the Wikimedia chapters, about the Rösti barrier or about the expectations of the TAO Project (Third Age Online). The German version of the interview can be found here (a French language version is also available):

PS: The TAO project will start on Tuesday 26 October, at 17.30 clock, with a public kick-off event. The event will take place in the auditorium of the Bern University of Applied Sciences at Hallerstr. 10 in Bern.

Wikimedia CH

Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge is a non-profit association aimed to support the free dissemination of knowledge in Switzerland, including projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, of which the free encyclopedia Wikipedia, the multimedia database Wikimedia Commons, the collection of educational texts Wikibooks, the news portal Wikinews, the collection of quotations Wikiquote or the collection of books Wikisource.

Created on May 14th 2006, it brings together participants and users of Wikimedia projects. They speak the four official languages of Switzerland (German, French, Italian and Romansch) and Alemannic dialects.

It is recognized as a local association by the Wikimedia Foundation. However, it is a financially and legally independent entity, obeying different rules and leadership. Wikimedia CH does not host any of the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation and has no publishing right on them.

The association's activities include:

  • intervention to Swiss media ;
  • contact with public (government, local authorities, libraries, etc.) or private bodies likely to provide free content to the Wikimedia projects ;
  • make educational presentations of Wikimedia projects to students, teachers or anyone interested ;
  • negotiate partnerships with outside organizations for the publication or distribution of the content of Wikimedia projects.
Support us!

Wikimedia CH works through the involvement of its members but primarily through donations from users of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. These are assigned to the goals of the association defined in the article 2 of our bylaws. Wikimedia CH being recognized of public interest, donations from taxpayers in Switzerland may be deducted from their taxable income.

From November 2010 to January 2011, Wikimedia CH participates to a fundraising campaign in partnership with the Wikimedia Foundation and other Wikimedia national associations.

To learn more about our activities, please consult our Annual Report 2011. For questions, please contact us at

Thank you for your generosity!

Current Activities

Some dates from the agenda